Give toys that your child can push or pull safely.Stay nearby so your child knows he is safe and can come to you for help calming as needed. Create a spot in your home for your child to go to when he’s upset.Say things as he pops them, such as “Pop, pop.” Blow bubbles and let your child pop them. escoba y pala Don't forget to buy a broom and dustpan at the market.No te olvides de comprar una escoba y una pala en el mercado. Me puedes prestar una escoba y un recogedor Se me cayeron los granos del caf. Play simple games where both of you have a part to play. escoba y recogedor Can you lend me a broom and dustpan.Read books and talk about the pictures using simple words.

Play with your child by rolling balls back and forth, pushing toy cars, and putting blocks or other items in and out of containers.For example, if she says “Dog,” say “Yes, that’s a dog. Teach your child more words by adding to the words she says.Try to respond to your child’s behavior in a safe, and loving way.Start to teach your child the names for body parts by pointing them out and saying things like “Here’s your nose, here’s my nose,” while pointing to her nose and your own. new broom n: figurative, UK (person recently appointed) nuevo, nueva nm, nf : Hes a new broom, and we expect him to reform the department.This helps your child “see” what you’re saying through your eyes and face, not just your words. Talk with your child by facing her and getting down to her eye level when possible.Give him some time to calm down and move on. You can try distractions, but it’s ok to ignore the tantrum. They are normal at this age and should become shorter and happen less often as your child gets older. If he is not ready, it can cause stress and setbacks, which can cause training to take longer. Most children are not successful at toilet training until 2 to 3 years old. Ask your child’s doctor and/or teachers if your child is ready for toilet training.Limit your own screen time when you are with your child so you are able to respond to her words and actions. Children learn by talking, playing, and interacting with others. Screen time is not recommended for children younger than 2 years of age. Broom and dustpan in Spanish English to Spanish Translation WebThe rack can be used for all types of brooms and mops.